CYBER CRIME – it’s a business risk. Are you prepared?
As we have seen over this memorable Australian summer, a state of emergency caused by natural disasters and floods, has brought large parts of our nation to a standstill.
Imagine what could happen to your business – in a totally unexpected attack or emergency. For example, a crippling cyber attack. As happened recently in the UK, where a local council lost all online services for about a week, and staff had to use pen and paper!
Former Federal Police cyber security specialist, Nigel Phair, says the attack should be a “massive wake up call” for all companies. He told the AFR newspaper that companies have been too complacent when it comes to the threat of cyber attacks. Nigel Phair featured in our 2019 Citrus Group article, warning of Nicole, the phone scammer!
Now a director at the UNSW cyber security centre, Nigel Phair told the AFR: “In corporate Australia there seems to be an ‘it won’t happen to me attitude’”.
He says businesses are failing to look at this through the lens of risk management.
So, what happens to your customers if your business is subject to an attack?
A so-called “ransomware” attack, is a growing menace to businesses and public organisations around the world. In a ransomware attack, your business files are scrambled until a ransom is paid. Many businesses, of course, choose not to pay the ransom but it means they’re out of action for many days or even weeks.
Here’s another example from the USA, in which more than 147 million Americans were affected in one of the largest data breaches in history. The US has charged four Chinese military officers with cyber-attacks on the credit agency Equifax.
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